Sep 4, 2024

Our Thesis on Chronic Care Management

We seek to fund digital chronic care management solutions to manage disease symptoms and improve quality of life.

Daniella Cohen

At 2048 Ventures, we are obsessed with the future and invest in the earliest-stage companies that establish defensibility through data and technology.

Chronic conditions continue to account for the most significant healthcare costs in the United States. We believe there are opportunities for digital chronic care management solutions to  manage disease symptoms and improve quality of life.

We believe that the next era of chronic care will include:

  • A user interface with protocols and recommendations, custom tailored to the condition and the individual.
  • Qualitative and quantitative data on patient biomarkers, lifestyle, and environmental inputs.
  • Medical professionals for the patient diagnoses and management of the care journey.

Chronic Care Startups We Want to Meet

We want to meet founders who are hyper-focused on building a world-class, personalized patient experience. The winning teams, in our opinion, will have deep expertise in the condition space and a technical founder on the team. They will have exceptional focus on the ICP: their needs, their habits, what is missing from their current care experience, and information that has the potential to make their lives better.

We are looking to fund companies:

  • Providing care to patients with the following chronic conditions - headache, respiratory conditions, hormone diseases, neurodegeneration.
  • Enabling remote monitoring via previously untapped data and biomarker monitoring.
  • Tailoring highly personalized care via an app that is proactive for potential triggers and also able to guide the triage of acute events.

We are proud investors in, whose logistics and data APIs for remote patient monitoring play a crucial role in this evolving landscape. We also recognize that addressing chronic care management fully will require a range of specific solutions to meet the full scope of patient needs.

Business Model Opportunities in Chronic Care

1) B2B embedded or white labeled opportunities: we are excited about potential B2B go to market strategies where the core care management offering is fully embedded into the health system or clinic.

Health systems already attract patients locally, but they're understaffed and can lack the full suite of specialists needed to serve their population. And at the same time, there is a tailwind of doctors enjoying the benefits reaped by practicing telemedicine.

There is a massive advantage in augmenting health systems with remote patient care, which can enable parts of the care journey to be administered remotely and therefore faster, while testing or other in-person required steps can continue to be served locally.

2) D2C opportunities: many successful companies have become the fully integrated provider, which can successfully serve patients, but adds logistical complexity for any required in-person treatment steps. We do believe in the potential of meeting patients wherever they are and providing the full suite of services, directly.

We're open to startups building in either model.

Are you or someone you know working in this area? We want to speak to you! Send your materials to and let’s build the future of chronic care together.

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