Jan 23, 2021

2020 Year in Review

Wow, what a year has 2020 been. The global pandemic changed our lives forever.

Alex Iskold

We are thankful to be able to continue to do our job, to serve our LPs and our founders in this challenging environment.

This year we were lucky to invest in 20 startups, and now have 34 portfolio companies across 18 geographies.

In 2020 we expanded our team and welcomed our new partner Neha Khera.

We are humbled to earn NPS (net promoter score) of 100 from our founders second year in a row!

The infographic below has the summary of our investments, verticals, and geographies for 2020.

If you are working on an early stage startup differentiated through technology and data, and are looking for pre-seed or seed capital, please reach out to us.

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